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I’m glad you decided to improve your positioning.
Want to speed things up? Hop on a call with me and let’s talk about your product.
Don’t worry. The first call is on me!
Poor positioning is like an anchor holding you back. It hurts your marketing efforts, it stalls your sales, and cripples your growth.
I get it. I have been there.
Your marketing isn’t working, your sales are crap, you can’t attract enough clients, you are getting the wrong people into your product, customers who then don’t convert, leaving you miserable. Your mini products don’t work, your lead magnets aren’t getting used. You are putting yourself out there, but you fail.
Time and time again.
The biggest issue? Positioning problems often hide and only show up as marketing or sales problems. It’s easy to miss them, but if you dig deep, here are the symptoms you will find:
Your company has a long sales process and low conversion rates.
Potential clients often tell you your prices are too high.
You have clients who love you, but new leads don’t understand what you do.
Your have high product churn – customer are leaving you.
Users don't engage with your product or leave in the onboarding.
People don't engage with your social media posts. Your posts get small amount of likes or comments.
Can we grow without nailing our positioning? YES.
But only until you hit an invisible ceiling, the growth stops, and you don’t know how to fix it or what went wrong.
Building a company is similar to building a house. You need strong foundations to support the structure. The bigger you want your company to be, the stronger your foundations need to be to support that size.
Trying to build your company and ignoring the foundations will work for a while, until you hit problems, because you skipped steps in the beginning. And don’t worry, we all skip steps. I worked with companies who couldn’t break the $200k/year revenue. And companies who couldn’t break the $50M/year revenue ceiling.
Both companies had similar issues. Their teams were misaligned, they didn’t know the transformation they were selling to their customers, they couldn’t write a killer value proposition to attract their clients, because they didn’t know what the real value of their product is.
All because they failed to build strong foundations.
Strong positioning feels like an invisible hand giving you a helpful push. It feels like you unlocked some backdoor secret to success, helping you get more clients, helping them see your value, and helping them become your fans.
More specifically, here is what strong positioning brings to your company:
When you know what your customer needs & wants, it's easy to give them the right context to convert into paying customers.
Focus, specialization calls for high prices. Because you have a strong problem-solution fit, you can charge higher prices customers are willing to pay.
People just 'get' your product. You know what to tell the so they understand the value you are providing.
Because you speak their language, customers don't just become happy clients. They become your fans. And fans stay with you forever, improving your life time value.
You give users the right context, which helps you turn them into active users of your product. Active users are an important metric that help you measure your product's success and attract VC investments.
People understand the problem you are solving, they love your story, and appreciate what you to. And that leads them to engaging with your social media posts, with your ads, with your product.
Positioning isn’t for everyone.
If you are a company competing on price and margins, if you are trying to win clients giving out discounts, then positioning probably isn’t the right fit for you.
Nothing wrong with your approach, it’s just that positioning is based on building a strong, powerful brand on benefits your customers value. Competing on price, offering discounts, discredits your product, making positioning useless to you, because nobody will trust you 100% believe in your product if you are giving it away for free.
Positioning is also not a quick fix. Positioning isn’t a secret sauce or a magic pill. It takes hard work and commitment.
Strong positioning works best for:
Positioning best helps founders with strong visions, who are ready to share their story with their audience.
Positioning works great for tech startups that compete in crowded spaces. Stand out from the competition and win.
Positioning is perfect for solo brands who are ready to take the next step, but are stuck at $20-50k per year.
Grab a FREE 30-minute positioning call. During the call we’ll talk about your current challenges. I promise to come up with at least 1 tangible piece of advice you can implement immediately to improve your results.
Here are just some of the results from companies I worked with and have been using my systems & tools.
Your results from strong positioning will show in lower cost of user acquisttion, in higher retention rates, people will love to use your product, open and read your emails, which will lead to higher revenues.